This morning, the first thing I set my sleepy eyes upon was cat puke. Trouble has puked twice since we moved him into the house with us on Sunday, which means he has been puking everyday. And somehow he chose our bedroom to do it. But this morning he had done it right next to the bed, at the exact spot where I'll place my feet down when I get off the bed. Perhaps he did it deliberately. What a nice morning wake-up call!
Then at approximately 11am, there was a very strong burning smell coming from the upstairs walkway. Thinking that the gas heating system in the attic was on fire, I started to panic. I checked every room but the aroma only came from the stairs. And for some reason(maybe it was psychological), the temperature suddenly became much warmer near the stairs as the seconds ticked. I panicked more, grabbed the phone to call the Gas and Heating Co. But they could only send someone over after 4 pm!!! I told him that by then, our house would have burned down! So he said he'll try and send someone over ASAP.
In the meantime, I turned off the thermostat downstairs and waited in the cold.
Chad, the P&N builder representative was kind enough to drop by to check. He, too, could smell that burning stench but did not see anything in the attic. So it wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me.
I was so relieved when the Gas & Heating guy finally came over at about 2.30pm. Jordan was as tall as me and he looked like a 15-year old kid. He spent a good 2 hours in the attic but could not see anything wrong. So he gave me his cellphone number and told me to call him if that burning stench starts again.
Oh, did I tell you that while waiting for the Gas & Heating guy to come over, the microwave decided to break down? It let out a long and loud rattling buzzing noise and refused to cook my lunch.
Why do all these dramas only happen to me when my husband is out of town?
Now, I am so ready to jump into bed to welcome the end of this day. I can only pray that the house doesn't go up in flames while I am in la-la land.
Give me cat puke anytime!!