So he probably has been loose for about an hour. Can't blame him for wandering off. I'm sure he was tempted to have a go at freedom. Who wouldn't?
As much as I often say I hate that obnoxious cat, truth is, he is a part of my life. And for one minute there, I just could not imagine what it would be like not having Trouble around anymore. He has been a consolation when Jason is out of town. Heck, I even talk to him, and crazily enough, I think he understands.
So Jason and I spent atleast an hour walking around the neighborhood in the scorching hot sun looking for that cat. We asked neighbors, and even trespassed into their backyards to search for him. No sign.
Almost giving up, we decided to have one last try and decided to drive around this time. Still no sign. My heart dropped. Oh why didn't I check to make sure the gate was latched properly??
Then as we were pulling into the driveway, we saw him sitting in the center of the garage. The same obnoxious look on his face. I jumped out of the car. And he trotted to the backdoor, as if to say "Let me inside. I'm hot"
I almost strangled the cat.