I rushed downstairs, barely pulling my pants up (but I did, mind you) and called for Trouble. Could not find him. No sign of him anywhere in or out.
Oh no.. he's gone. The big bad hawk must've snooped down on him and swept him off into the sky and dropped his poor remains into some pig barn.
Then I saw his little head and he ran towards the door begging to be let in. But there was no sound from him. I let him in and he was shaking and panting and his little tongue was sticking out. He tried to say something but nothing came out from him. I have never seen him so shaken before. Actually, I have never seen a cat panting like a dog before. I didn't know what to do. He still had no voice.
After 15 minutes or so, he calmed down. And he could meow again and his little tongue was no longer sticking out.
I am still curious as to what scared him so. Don't you sometimes wish cats could talk?
Trouble hasn't asked to go outside since this morning.
It must be that big bad hawk.
Awww....poor Trouble!!!! Give him a big belly rub for me!
poor baby!!!
oh dear! poor Trouble!! :-( hope he's feeling better!!
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