I could not decide whether to volunteer to make posters, tent signs, pack the bake goods or do the lapel ribbons. So I ended up contributing to the Bake Goods pile.
This weekend, I obsessively made over two hundred cookies. Again, I made the same mistake of being overzealous and attempted to make something that I have not tried before. I saw the recipe for peanut butter pinwheel cookies and I wanted to substitute the chocolate in the recipe for something pink. So I melted some pink wafer candy, spread it as a second layer and attempted to roll the pastry to make the pinwheel effect. BUT the candy hardened before I could roll the dough and it made the outer layer fall to pieces. The result.. you guessed it... I created some really artsy fartsy pinwheels instead. I had seriously thought of just going ahead and submitting them to the Pink committee at work. But I decided not to. Some people are scared of artsy fartsy things. They were really delicious tho. Jason and I both ate probably more than twenty cookies in one day.
Plan B.. I used a different recipe that called for cream cheese instead. The pinwheels looked slightly better but they were still not all identical. Won't work.
So Plan C... I used the same recipe, but instead of making pinwheels, I just rolled them out and drew a pink ribbon using the same melted pink candy. Boring but safe.
But me being me, I had to do something else to zest it up. So I printed some pink ribbons on a card, cut it up and tied a ribbon to each cookie bag.
300 cookies later and sore feet and a sore back, and a tummy full of discarded cookies that did not pass the QA test, I finally sent an email to the Pink committee informing them I'll contribute 40 cookie bags (80 cookies)
Ok, I am going to sleep now.
*Update :
The Pink Committee Head asked me where I bought these cookies. I said "my kitchen" :) .They loved it and want to do the same for all the other baked goods.
I've just emailed her the template of the cardboard label topper and I volunteered to go shopping to buy a few hundreds of these plastic bags for the event.
Feels good to have a purpose! I think I'm going into business some day! :)
And try your luck for a free camera here :
OMG! They look so professional and good! I want one!!! :-)
Ask and ye shall receive :) (if I can mail 'em)
I have no problem eating the ones that didn't make the QA/QC. Pass'em on down!
Ooops, too late. Jason took it to work this morning and gave them to his coworkers.
I had to get rid of them all because I was eating too many!
But I'm sure I'll be making more :)
Yay, I want!! (if can and not too much trouble la)
wow cousin! u should seriously consider catering, deco, parties thingy full time!
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