Jason has an antique Singer sewing machine and it's been sitting in the closet untouched. I've decided to experiment with it. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't come with instructions.
After spending 30 minutes trying to thread the needle in (and lots of frustration), I'm on the go. Then the bobbin decides to run out of thread. So I spend another 30 minutes on the internet trying to find some instructions on how to thread a bobbin. I don't think I got that fully right because the tension was all wrong but I managed to get enough thread into the bobbin and plop that thing back into its slot.
Thank God for this website!
So I made myself a knitting needle case. And I'm still alive. And I did not kill anyone. But I have a splitting headache now probably from cursing too much.
haha...too funny. I am sorry though of the pain you went through. ;-p but hey at least you started.
I love sewing..but only for leisure -- cross stiching. :-D
Be careful or you might get hopelessly addicted!
I started out making pillowcases and have graduated to outfits and diapers! Eep!
My next big project is actually to make a crayon roll for the kids, which is like a mini needle roll, for crayons, but you probably deduced that....from the name. Crayon roll.
It's early, I'm sick. Slack shall be cut.
PS my word verification code was DBBHD, dubbhead. Which I found appropriate for this rambly comment.
My addiction will probably stem from trying to perfect these needle rolls. I've already bought a bunch of scrap fabrics. Jason is worried I'll start cutting up his pants and shirts.
DBBHD... that's funny..lol!
Hope you feel better soon!
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