Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Revolutionary Experience – Part II

Today, we toured the Governor’s Palace which was the residence of seven royal governors and the first two elected governors of Virginia. It is shown as the home of Lord Dunmore, the last British Governor of the Virginia colony. We learned about the lives of Lord and Lady Dunmore, their children, and staff at a time when British authority was being challenged. The lovely gardens and courtyards have neatly trimmed hedges and a maze which I did not go into.

We also toured Robert Carter’s house and the Everard House. By then, I had a history overload and came back to our apartment with my dad and father-in-law for some Chick-Fil-A and a dose of "have-to-pay" wireless network, whilst my mom and mother-in-law continued to immerse themselves in the 18th century.

Tomorrow, we will have lunch with Mr “Thomas Jefferson”. And oh, there were atleast four fire engines on the street today because the famous Peanut Shoppe and 2 other neighbouring shops were on fire this morning. No, the firemen did not come on horses.


Fiona said...

WOW! Your experience thus far sounds really awesome! Sure the hell beats anything you would read from a history book! can't wait for your pictures!

Jessica said...

I am so jealous! I want to go tour historical American sites!

Arizona. Poo. Grand Canyon, blah blah blah.

Bern said...

And I wanna go tour Grand Canyon on a donkey!!

Jessica said...

I've lived here over three years and we've never been to the Grand Canyon. We've driven by the turnoff about 20 times though.