Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Do you still believe in Santa?

We came home at around 2am after midnight mass on Christmas eve, tired out and went straight to bed.
At around 5am, I heard a light jingle jangle. It was at that time when you are barely awake and can't tell the difference between a dream and reality. But Jason nudged me and asked "did you hear that?" I mumbled "I was dreaming that some bells were ringing". He said he did too.
He said "Its Santa!!" (or I dreamed he said it) and he got out of bed to check.


He came back to bed and we listened. This time I was a little more awake.
We both heard it again.

It was the cat rustling against the capiz shells curtain on the front door, peeking outside.
The capiz shells makes a soft bell-like tune.

1 comment:

Sophie said...

You two need to stop blaming Trouble for everything. Of course it was Santa!!!!!!