Sunday, November 04, 2007


It's been probably 10 years or more since I last played Monopoly. It was my favorite boardgame when I was a young teenager and my cousins, Daniel & Gabriel and I would spend hours playing this game. Sometimes we would bend the rules a little so that the game would last even longer. We'd keep "separate bank accounts" and allow players to owe each other money to stretch the game to days or even weeks.

Tonight, we finally got together with Brian and Sophie for a game night. We decided to play Monopoly for a change. And boy do I miss this game. I've never played the American version. Just always the British version. I like it just the same.
I almost won but lost to Brian in the end. We decided to count our monetary value and call it a night because it was close to midnite.

T'was a fun night. Oh, and Elise entertained us with some song and dance. That was too cute!!


Fiona said...

oi. why no updates? :-p

K said...

Monopoly is a fun game to play! Although I've always thought it was better when everyone agreed to "cheat" just a little. Makes it funny! :)

Bern said...

The husband always accuses me of cheating eventho I never do!