Friday, June 23, 2006

Sing.. Sing a song...

Have you ever woken up with a song churning in your head?

This morning, before I was fully awake, I had "Runaway Train" playing in my head. What's funny is that I have never known the full lyrics of this song. But in these early morning serenades, I always get the full lyrics. Once I am fully awake though, the lyrics start to fade and all that remains is the tune or lyrics of the chorus for the rest of the day. Yes, the "rest" of the day! I am relieved that it's "Runaway Train" today and not Kermit the Frog. Last week I had Kermit the Frog singing "It's not easy bein' green" in my head all day!
I wonder if all these songs mean something or if it's subconsciously trying to tell me something.


Anonymous said...

Ahh..Soul Asylum. Another great band that disappeared off the face of the earth. Whatever happened to them, anyways? That was such a cool album cover. I remember finding a postcard of the same picture - I still have it to this day!

A Flea's Life said...

Twas the Gardenia breadman song my our heads last time i think... hmmm..

Bern said...

haha.. Gardenia bread van.. poor you. That's torture. Just like the Paddle Pop ice cream song.