Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I hate job interviews. Unlike my husband because he enjoys talking about himself, I'd rather remain silent and sit like a mute observing and listening to others and making impressions in my head.

When it comes to talking to strangers, nothing seems to come out from my mouth. Or even if I do find something to say, it usually comes out sounding stupid. I usually take time to warm up before I feel comfortable with people. Sometimes, that might even take years.

So, I hate job interviews.

I do not know why most interviewers have these standard questions. Almost all the interviews I have had asks cliche questions like "What are your strengths and weaknesses", "What were the challenges you faced in your last job", "Why do you want this job" ..etc... And then there is the inevitable dreaded question of all time "What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?"
That's when I have to lie straight-faced and tell them something boring that they want to hear. Don't get me wrong. I am a terrible liar and I will avoid telling lies at all cost. But when you ask me something like that, what am I supposed to say? Heck, I didn't even know I would find myself in Charlotte FIVE years ago.
Honestly, in 5 years time, I would love to see myself laying on a hammock somewhere in the Caribbean, watching the sunset, sipping my pina colada in one hand and holding a book in the other, listening to steel drums and the waves.... and watch Keanu strutting up and down the beach. (Sorry, Jason):)
But that's not what job interviewers want to hear, right?


eaf said...

I never ever ever ask that question in interviews. What do you want people to say? And in this day and age, if you can actually articulate specific plans for five years in the future, then I know you are lying. I can't even lay out my clothes for tomorrow. Sheesh.

Hang in there... I'm sure your dream job is just around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of you. As for the "why do you want this particular position?" question, I can see why they ask that for certain professions. But if you are applying for receptionist type positions...what in the world are you supposed to say? "Well, Sir, I love seeing Mr. Fedex, Mr. DHL and Mr. UPS on a daily basis, I enjoy screaning phone calls for all you higher-ups that are too lazy to pick up the phone, and boy, do I love to bring coffee to our visitors". Geez Louise... how about an honest answer such as "I need money and a job with benefits and don't really care if my brain is challenged or not on a daily basis".

Jason said...

When they ask, just look the guy in the eye and tell him, "In five years, I see myself in YOUR job."

Bern said...

Then he will probably feel threatened about you taking over his job and decide not to hire you anyway.

But yup, y'all got good points there.

If only they would ask stuff like.. "so, what did you have for dinner yesterday?" :)

eaf said...

Oh, but then you'd be nervous that they were judging you based on your eating habits. God help me if that ever happens to me. My eating habits are the WORST.

And Sophie, if you were to say that to me in an interview for a receptionist-type job, I would hire you on the spot. Gotta love that honesty.

Anonymous said...

Actually, when I was the receptionist at the accounting firm in Raleigh, the UPS guy wore Jean Paul Gaultier "Le Male" perfume, and he smelled delicious :) Sadly, the looks didn't go with the smell, but at least, it made my day!