Saturday, September 22, 2007

Putting in a different way

Today I had my first taste of disc golfing. Disc golf, informally called frisbee golf, uses the same terminology as golf but instead of a golf ball, players throw a flying disc into a metal basket.
This 18-holes course we went to is located in a public park in a semi-wooded nature trail. In a way, you get the best of both worlds - walking on a nature trail and playing golf (sort of).

It took me awhile to master the spins and I usually send my disc flying into the woods and landing into a mass of poison ivy and what not. Oh, good times. But I think I didn't do too badly for a first timer. The game took us about 2 hours to complete. It was one lengthy nature trail too.

I was itching from the mosquito bites and spiderwebs and also mentally thinking of the poison ivy that I had to crawl into. I came home and put baking soda all over myself. Now my skin feels like a crusty floured yeast roll.

It was a fun sweaty afternoon.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

hmmm..very interesting!