Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Scary moments in life

A few days ago, we saw an EMS ambulance and a firetruck parked outside our neighbor's house. We thought something had happened to John, our neighbor, because he has had some health problems and can barely walk. But they took Daphne, his wife, on the stretcher instead. It took us all by surprised.
I asked John the next day how Daphne was doing. She was still in the hospital and they were doing some tests on her. He said that last night was the worst in his life as he was scared for Daphne and also the thought of living alone is terrifying. He said he has never felt so alone before and the silence at night was unbearable.

I can understand how he felt.

I, too, have a fear of losing loved ones, and I am sure many of you do too. As a kid, maybe 4 or 5 years old, I would wake up at night just to check to see if my parents were still breathing and then climb back into my bed. I know I would be devastated if anything were to happen to them. I worry constantly for them especially now because it would take me 2 whole days to fly home to Malaysia should anything happen.

I also worry everytime Jason travels, which is like almost every week. Living alone when you are single and living alone when you are married feels a whole lot different.
Even having control of the remote control will not make me any happier.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand. And wait till you have a child. Then you'll be worried something will happen to her/him every second of the day and night.

Anonymous said...

i know how you feel. although i live just 2 hrs from my mom, i worry about her a lot cos she lives alone. and my sis who is in chicago.

Anonymous said...

Read 1 Peter 5:7 K